Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What I Ate Today

Because you've been waiting BREATHLESSLY for me to resume this mindless catalog of my excesses:

  1. Banana
  2. Celery
  3. One pancake with syrup
  4. One piece of bacon
  5. Pear
  6. Most of a bratwurst
  7. Diet Coke with Lime

I don't know if I'll eat dinner or not. Of course I took the anti-crazy pills and drank a boatload of water. Can one poison oneself by eating too much celery?

In case you're interested, yesterday I had lemon yogurt, delicious Vietnamese noodles, and three fudge bars, among other things. I know, I know, don't even start with me.

Reason I Can't Make Writing a Priority

So honestly, recording what I eat is AT LEAST as boring as I would imagine reading it is. And I looked at my calendar and realized that I have not made it to a Writer's Study Hall in over six months AND I missed the open mic night at Hugo House last night.

1. I'm too emotionally drained by my relationship to be creative.
2. Fear of success.
3. Lack of confidence in my talent.
4. Laziness.
5. Lapse of mental discipline.
6. Distractions (TV, reading, kids, scheduled activities) are given more importance.
7. Loss of faith.
8. Inability to find a compatible community.
9. Guilt

I think I'm going to start scheduling writing time. That's all there is to it.