Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What I Ate Today

I started this day so wrong. I should know better than to go to the golden arches of hell for anything, except possibly french fries. Every time I put that stuff in my body, it rebels in one unpleasant way or another. Looking at the bright side, my insides are probably very clean now. Also, I've run out of sunflower seeds. Except for the occasional straggler I find in my car seat. Uh...of course I don't eat those. That would be gross.

  1. Hard boiled egg

  2. Mc Donald's Egg McMuffin with Cheese, no meat

  3. Mc Donald's Mocha (Not a bad tasting drink, but not a mocha.)

  4. Firecraker Shrimp and Jerk Chicken Wings at Bahama Breeze
  5. (Yummy!)
  6. A Rumrunner
  7. (How many calories is this? I hesitate to imagine.)
  8. A couple of snitches of ground beef (But the appetizers filled me up, so I never had dinner.)

I will not eat Mc Donald's. I will not eat Mc Donald's. I will not eat Mc Donald's. I will not eat Mc Donald's. I will not eat Mc Donald's. I will not eat Mc Donald's. I will not eat Mc Donald's. I will not eat Mc Donald's. I will not eat Mc Donald's. I will not eat Mc Donald's. I will not eat Mc Donald's.

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